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Favorite murder? 🧐

Helloo ladies!! My name is Grecia (greh-see-ah) first i wanted to stay i have been a fan of both of you since the beginning, since before Ashley started her channel and since Taryne started showing up on vlogs! I just had never listened to your guy’s podcast until late October 2023, (yeah i know shame on me) I started from the very first episode and about a month ago I finally caught up to now! And let me just say, it was absolutely amazing not having to wait months for OCTOBER SERIES, i had so many to get caught up on! And now im so sad cause i actually have to wait for months!! Anyways, time for my question! I have heard you guys like to listen to true crime podcasts here and there and I wanna know, is there a case that broke you? or a case that you had to stop everything and do a little research? Is there an unsolved case that you think you KNOW who did it? Id love to hear you guys talk about it! ive been listening to My favorite murder podcast since i caught up with yours so im trying to blend my two worlds together a bit haha Love you guys!


Would you ever go on a reality tv show to find love??

Lego question for Taryne!!

What Lego set would you suggest for someone just starting to get into Legos?? I wanna get into them I just have no idea where to start hahahah

A real taryne it up drink

Hey ladies! I used to work at a soda shop and one of the main drinks on our menu was called a Tearin (I like Taryne) it up! The drink “recipe” was Diet Coke with raspberry syrup, vanilla syrup, and fresh lime. I was one of my favorites. I’m wondering if I should make a recipe for Ashley and what should we call the drink??

Ashley 💃🏼

not a question but just have to say i also have a fear of dancing (and am also a fellow 9w1). i haven’t met anyone who has that fear too so hearing you talk about it makes me feel less alone!