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What are your go to snacks? 🪩💗

Work Environment Boss Bully

Hi girls recently started listening and I'm obsessed.Love you and see you as my big sisters. I'm 28y.o.Enneagram 1 wing 9and 2(test gave me 2 results)Married with the loml a year ago :) I'm a medical professional(md) and just quit my job because it wasnt for me + bullying.I'm swithing to another specialty.I was in cardiology and I was already so stressed working long hours.Not getting enough time off.And plus the bullying adds up.It was not good for me.I'm happy now that I quit that firld.But there are people like this in every specialty.I'm gonna consider going to therapy to bettet the situation though.How do you deal with bullying when it's coming from a person who is your senior.Like 10 years older at least.Comments that just doesnt only include job related thing but things like weight gain,calling you fat infront of others.Not ever being satisfied when your work ethic and discipline when its superior to other colleagues most of the time.They can resurrect an argument from 2 years ago.I just couldnt take it anymore.Any advice on that??Love from Turkey:)

Training a dog

My dog is an absolute menace and he’s so insane. His name is Finn and he’s a mini golden doodle. How do I train him to have more manners and be more well trained. We got him when he was 10 weeks old and were not the best and training him in the beginning and now he’s 11 months old and he’s crazy. Any tips?

Newly married

Hey Taryne and Ash! (Sorry Ash it just sounds better this way) I just got married this May (05.15.24) and I love my husband with all my heart. However I have a hard time communicating with him without things getting heated and turning into an argument. I think the hardest part is living together. I’ve been living on my own for a little bit and he hasn’t lived on his own at all. He travels for work so he hasn’t moved out of his parents until we got married. (We’re only 19) I love him with all my heart and I love living with him and being with him on his weeks home when he’s off work. But living together has definitely been an adjustment. I have OCD and I’m very particular about the way I clean and the way I do dishes and I often have a hard time letting him help with housework because I feel like he’s not doing it right but then I also get frustrated that I’m the only one helping around the house. Sometimes I look forward to him being gone for work so I can live alone again but I’m also torn up because I miss him so much. I have a really hard time when he’s gone because I just feel so lonely in my place. I do have a mini golden doodle but it’s not the same with my husband being gone. Ashley I know you lived alone for a year and I’m wondering what tips you have for not feeling so lonely and motivating myself to make dinner or take care of the house. Do you have any tips on romanticizing living alone and trying to learn to enjoy it? Thanks so much girls I love your podcast, I’ve been here since day one and you’ve been number one on my Spotify wrapped for the past 3 years. Also I’ve seen you guys both on YouTube and remember the schoolisha videos and the awkward situation back to school video with taryne doing a voiceover and tarynes brothers being in the video too. Also taryne I want you to know that your family business shocked golf balls is alwaysss on my for your page so congrats! Again thanks so much girls I love you so much!!!

staying friends with the ex

my girlfriend and I of 2 years mutually broke up last night and decided to still continue our routine of going to church together every Sunday. We also decided to text once in a while with life updates and keep our very long snapchat streak going. Neither of us want to lose each other’s friendship, and the idea of staying friends feels comforting, but i can’t help but wonder if this is going too far and that we’ll stay attached to each other, which could interrupt healing. any advice would be appreciated 🩷