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Would you ever go on a reality tv show to find love??

Lego question for Taryne!!

What Lego set would you suggest for someone just starting to get into Legos?? I wanna get into them I just have no idea where to start hahahah

A real taryne it up drink

Hey ladies! I used to work at a soda shop and one of the main drinks on our menu was called a Tearin (I like Taryne) it up! The drink “recipe” was Diet Coke with raspberry syrup, vanilla syrup, and fresh lime. I was one of my favorites. I’m wondering if I should make a recipe for Ashley and what should we call the drink??

Ashley 💃🏼

not a question but just have to say i also have a fear of dancing (and am also a fellow 9w1). i haven’t met anyone who has that fear too so hearing you talk about it makes me feel less alone!

Dealing with a Heart Break

What do you think is the best way to get over a heart break with someone that you thought was going to be your forever? My ex broke up with me because he said he shouldn’t have dated me because I was not ready or get married after only dating for 7 months. Your advice is appreciated <3