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How do I become more confident in the workplace?

I am going to school for my master’s in elementary education and I am currently a substitute teacher. I have anxiety when I substitute for teachers and I have to teach in front of other teachers. I feel embarrassed and I lose my train of thought. I love teaching kids, but sometimes I feel inadequate to be a teacher. Any help would be appreciated. :)

Work Environment Boss Bully

Hi girls recently started listening and I'm obsessed.Love you and see you as my big sisters. I'm 28y.o.Enneagram 1 wing 9and 2(test gave me 2 results)Married with the loml a year ago :) I'm a medical professional(md) and just quit my job because it wasnt for me + bullying.I'm swithing to another specialty.I was in cardiology and I was already so stressed working long hours.Not getting enough time off.And plus the bullying adds up.It was not good for me.I'm happy now that I quit that firld.But there are people like this in every specialty.I'm gonna consider going to therapy to bettet the situation though.How do you deal with bullying when it's coming from a person who is your senior.Like 10 years older at least.Comments that just doesnt only include job related thing but things like weight gain,calling you fat infront of others.Not ever being satisfied when your work ethic and discipline when its superior to other colleagues most of the time.They can resurrect an argument from 2 years ago.I just couldnt take it anymore.Any advice on that??Love from Turkey:)

Oh, NOW I might want kids? 🙆‍♀️

I need your help gals! I’ve gone my whole life wanting to be with my person and a bunch of pets….not so much kids. I’ve always been pushed SO hard to have kids by everyone in my life, and have felt confident in my choice to not have kids and instead be a kick-azz auntie! Now that my 33rd birthday is approaching, I am starting to yearn for a child of my own. I think it’s a combination of starting to feel more confident in my own skin, years of deep therapy and self-work, and finally getting through the worst parts of the trauma of losing my husband in 2020. Now that I’m in a new relationship that seems healthy and growth oriented, the idea of kids sounds….possible. I’m scared to lose my independence (that I’m only recently starting to feel) and my goals and dreams of living a whole life, but a gnawing part of me wants a child so badly. To give them a good life, to teach them how to be, to see the world as if it was new…. But this is a choice I can’t take back, and I’m scared that I won’t make the right choice. I refuse to be an older new Mom simply because my in laws had children in their 40s and are now both dead. This left my youngest brother in law on his own at only 25 years old, and I just can’t do that to a child. Also, I fear that my health may not allow me to have children easily the older I get…. My question is…. How can I make the right decision for myself and not look back? How can I know if having a child is the right decision, or should I be grateful for the life I’ve been building and continue to pursue that and just get my tubes tied at 35? Thank you so much for reading this. I hope that I phrased everything in the way that was gentle but conveyed how torn I’m feeling over the situation. I haven’t wanted children for the past 14 years and this feels like it could be something magical or possibly just my biological clock kicking in? Keep being amazing and know that I am sending the biggest hugs to you both!

Self worth and Money?

Hello beautiful ladies!! My question is how do you handle saving money when you’re making WAY less than you used to (think 28k less 😅), have had a “spicy” mental breakdown or two that involved spending WAY too much money because #retailtherapy? I’m so scared that I’ll never be able to get my savings back. I struggle with getting myself get little treats when I’ve had a bad day, but even if I can abstain from that (and I’ve been doing a lot better), I still can’t stop myself from wanting to buy gifts for my friends to show them how much I love them. Giftgiving is one of my love languages and it pains me to draw this line. Stopping buying my friends presents, not going out, not getting coffee together, etc. makes me sad, but I’m too scared to spend any money at all! If I buy something, the guilt surrounding it kills all of the joy and leaves me feeling ashamed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for being so genuine and wonderful all of these years, you help people more than you realize! ♥️🫶

Feedback for Taryne

Hello, i have some feedback back for Taryne. Its about you saying “oh im a good girl i dont do that” even if its joking, there has been a few episodes when you have said this while youre telling a story about a guy or whatever; youre just calling yourself something the misogynistic/macho men use to describe a WOMAN who doesnt “sleep around” or has less than 2 sexual partners. Youre contributing to that STUPID behavior/standard they use!! By default youre pretty much saying Ashley herself is trash cause she has had sex, more than you, and its like wtf? Neither you or Ashley are “good girls” you’re just a woman Taryne, a woman that has made a personal commitment and it doesnt make you a “GOOD GIRL” think how younger viewers would see this! And if they have sex they might feel shameful because they are not a “good girl” like you! We gotta do better as grown women!