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I Have Everything I’ve Always Wanted: Why am I still struggling?

Hi! I’m such a massive fan of both of you and have been a listener from the very start! I have a question but I figured I would give some context. I’m 23 years old and I’ve always struggled with my weight. About 3 years ago, I lost around 60 pounds but mainly because my motivation was to get a boyfriend because I never had one and that is what I’ve always wanted (type 2 ennegram as well). I never met anyone. However, when I graduated college and became a teacher, I gained back all of the weight plus more due to stress and overeating, which was hard for me to process. However, last November, despite the weight gain, I met my boyfriend and we’ve been happily together ever since and he loves me and my body no matter what. However, I’m still not happy with myself physically and I still struggle mentally. I have everything I’ve always wanted: a boyfriend, I’m a teacher, and I have supportive family and friends. Why do you think I’m still struggling and what is your advice? Thank you both so much and even if you don’t answer this, thank you for giving me the opportunity to write. Love you both❤️

October Series

When is the first October series episode going live?!