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Quick suggestion

Would you ever consider starting a discord for the supercast community? I’d love to chat with everyone!

My parents don’t approve of my boyfriend

I’m 19 and still live at home, and I’ve been talking to this really sweet guy for months now. Everything has been great, but our only setback is that I respect and want my parents’ approval. They don’t approve of him because of religious purposes, but he is open to it, he just wasn’t raised in the church like I was. How should I approach this in a respectful and wise way? I need help!

I love you guys🤗🤗

Opinion on breaking up with someone to get with another person shortly after?


Hi girlies! I would like to remain unanimous I wrote to you on an email back on September 25, 2023 regarding a group of “best friends” I lost. To sum it up I moved in with one of them at the end of 2021. Things started off rocky. She took 3 months to move in, wouldnt pay rent on time, I had to ask her to clean and take care of other things that as a tenant she should’ve had known it was also her responsibility. Fast forward a few months. We fell off. I was over the fact that I always had to be the adult aka her mother. Once the lease was up I warned her I was moving out. My other two friends and her stopped talking to me and haven’t reached out since. It’s been exactly a year since this happened. I guess my question is. Should I be the bigger question and reach out since we had a 11+ year friendship prior to this incident? Or should I just leave those friendships in the past?

Destination wedding?

Where do you guys want to get married? Local? Destination?